Friday 13 February 2015

Script Starter Questions

5 W'S

1) When?

When is your story going to be set? 1990/2000s.

What time period is your story going to be done in?
The story consists of current day and flashback scenes. Ton and Lynn discuss his life over a few meetings so the time period is likely to be between 2 weeks and a month.
Is it going to be Linear or Elastic? It is a linear narrative, in terms of the chronological order of flashbacks. However, the jump between different time periods also makes it an elastic narrative.

What is the structure of your story? I plan to have a definite climax in the middle of Ton's storytelling. The climax will also symoblise the turning point for his character - a tragic event which is the final straw, consequently leading him to seek help.

2) Where?
Where is the play going to be set?
My play is based in London. There will be various settings in my play. The opening scene is in a house, as some others are. The current day scenes will be in an ordinary hall- this is where the AA meetings take place.

How are you going to show it?
To show that my play is in London, I want to include sound effects like buses driving by and cars beeping. This suggests a chaotic atmosphere and reflects London realistically. As for the various settings, I plan to design different minimal set pieces, which can be easily dragged on and off stage.
What key plots and issues happen in your story?
Ton being a victim of child abuse.
Ton going on and off track - trying to recover.
Ton losing his family, slowly becoming a repeat of his Dad.
What are the themes & Issues in your story?
Family issues


Who is telling your story? Ton - narrating his past to friend, Lynn.

Who is in your story?
Ton - Protagonist.
Lynn - Friend from A.A.
George - Ton's Dad.
Emma - Ton's Wife.
Chrissy - Ton's  Mum.
Uncle & Auntie


5) Why?

Why are you writing this story? To warn the audience of the dangers of alcohol, and to show that recovery from alcoholism is achievable, if you're dedicated.

Why are you basing it on your theme? The theme is close to my heart. Having a family member who has been sober for 20+ years, it is important for me to showcase some of their incredible story.

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