Wednesday 1 October 2014

Good and Bad Auditions

Carrie Hope Fletcher Audition
In the opening of the audition, she comes across well, speaking confidently and clearly. However, the combination she improvises -dancing on the spot whilst singing the line 'to be or not to be is the question' - is awful and looks as if she's doing it mockingly, which the casting director wouldn't be pleased with. Furthermore, her choice of songs aren't unique - On My Own (Les Mis), Memory (Cats.) Performing a popular song choice is a disadvantage because you will automatically be compared to other auditionees or the original singer.  She goes on to sing the wrong lyrics to the wrong melody, which shows how unprepared she's came. It is clear that this has been made to showcase what a BAD audition is.

Lea Michele - Audition for Glee
'She had that bold confidence the character needs' - This was a comment from Glee's casting director, Robert Ulrich. Although, he'd never met Lea Michele before, he had high praise for her before the audition. This shows that having a popular repertoire in the industry can come at an advantage. Lea Michele's bold confidence shined through when she slapped the casting director - a direction written in the script. This means that risks sometimes can pay off, and definitely stand you out from the crowd.

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