Sunday 5 October 2014

What is Choreography?

The HOW of choreography:
Dynamics - e.g. smooth, sharp, slow.
Choreographic devices
(In italic are the key words of the lesson.)

The WHAT of choreography:
Actions - e.g. roll, jump, contraction.

The WHERE of choreography:
Space - e.g. levels, upstage, downstage.

The WHO of choreography:
Relationships - e.g. trios, props, audience.

Action + Space + Dynamics + Relationship = Movement motif

Choreographic devices:

After learning the basics, we looked at the professional work - Rush, by Akram Khan. First of all, we watched the video and noted down what we saw. I noticed the use of unison and canon. One thing that stood out to me was the change of dynamics, where moments of stillness would turn into a super fast sequence. Afterwards, we were informed that the stimuli was freefalling, which explained the spacial restriction and freedom. The restriction resembled the moment when the person is in the small plane waiting to jump. During the jump out of a plane, there is an endless amount of space, which explains why the dancers in the video largely expanded on their use of the stage.

1 comment:

  1. Great so far, but can you make sure you put a link to this work on your dance unit tab. Go to the blogger support sessions and Katie and Ashley will be able to assist you.
