Monday, 5 January 2015

Chorus Workshop

In this workshop, we explored the techniques - shoal of fish and round-by-through. Shoal of fish is where a group travels collectively in a tight format. The sudden change of directions as a whole group is effective because the movement performed appears slicker and has more of a pace to it. Round-by-through is also group movement, in which you move the people you're working with, in
order to get through the space yourself.

We applied the techniques above to a short fairytale performance task. The task was to pick a fairytale and make it into a tragedy. My group chose Sleeping Beauty. The round-by-through technqiue was effective each time the narrator changed. Similarly, shoal of fish was good for when there was a change of events:

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Princess named Aurora
--------------(dashes repesent changing direction in a group - S.O.F)
But her beauty wasn't enough to save her from an evil spell *round-by-through performed by the narrator*
--------------- (S.O.F)
She was cast asleep forever *round-by-through repeat*

Adavantages of the two techniques were that they created comical moments when wanted, but also dramatic, providing a clear and strong contrast in dynamics. Watching other groups, I spotted another advantage of the techniques, which was that they maintained the attention of the audience because the movement is both unusual and interesting.

Disadvantages of shoal of fish was that it was easy to lose the tight formation. I think it is a technique which needs to be practiced, to be polished. A disadvantage of the round-by-through is that it can
prove difficult to move around your fellow actors, to the extent which you look uncomfortable on stage.

Chrous Workshop Video:

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