Tuesday 6 January 2015

Electra - Introduction To My Acting Role

In Electra, I am playing one of the four chorus members. As I have mentioned in a previous post, the chorus members are Electra's imaginary friends in our interpretation, therefore we began by assigning each friend with a different approach to Electra.

I will be the vengeful friend, who enjoys plotting. I volunteered for this role because I haven't played a devilish (dark) character before. I thought by choosing a role which I have no experience playing would be beneficial so I can progress as an actor. Sax will be my chorus partner, playing the 'kickass' (angry) friend. We have matched up as a pair because our similar negative mood will help us bounce well off of eachother in rehearsal and performance. Whereas, Lauren and Ellie will act as a contrast to me and Sax. They will be playing the 'listener' and 'nurturer' to Electra, having a softer approach towards her. The contrast between a soft and harsh approach is effective because it reflects Electra is torn between two minds, therefore showing that the chorus are symbolic of her mental state.

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