Tuesday 12 May 2015

Dance For Camera - 3 Points of Development

1) Physical Setting

For my final dance for camera piece, I have decided to re-film all choreography and set it solely in the dance studio, with the black curtains drawn over the mirror. This is because in my first draft, the setting includes things in the background which aren't linked to the dance and stick out for the wrong reasons, i.e. the trampoline in the garden and plastic chairs in the dance studio.

As for my costume, I am looking at BeyoncĂ© and her costumes in music videos. For example, in 'Flawless', she dresses fairly casual. Whereas, in 'Run The World (Girls), she changes outfits and they're much more extravagant, in comparison. Realistically, those type of costumes aren't accessible to me. In a previous post, I looked at the 'We Can Do It!' poster, which is something I will keep in mind. Furthermore, I thought about incorporating the colour pink. It is stereotypically a female colour, meaning it would be appropriate to my stimulus.

2) Camera Angles

I wish to expand on the range of camera angles I am using. I'd like to include more close ups. This is because zooming in on simple movement gives it more impact. Focusing only on one body part also makes the piece more visually interesting. In addition to this, I think the garden and dance studio shots need to be wholly separate and not intertwined. For example, after my feet alternation sequence second time round, there is a half a second clip of me stood in the dance studio. To switch setting so randomly doesn't make any sense, nor does it compliment the theme in anyway. Lastly, I would like to include a stronger establishing shot, so that the scene is set before I start dancing.

3) Choreography

From watching my first draft, I need to create more motifs in the second section of my dance. A problem was that the choreography in the garden was mostly freestyle. On a positive note, the choreography I do have is strong. I think I need more variation in my dynamics, because in my first draft I sped up a lot of movement and didn't even consider the factor of slowing down the tempo/pace.

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